Thursday, 10 October 2019

Medic Life 之 Orthopaedics 金句之王

踏入 year 5,迎接我的第一个 posting 就是传说中最多人 fail,最可怕,最不保险的 posting --- Orthopaedics 骨科。

扛着去年 failure rate 高达 50% 的辉煌纪录,这绝对是一个鬼见愁的 posting。分分钟你在这个 posting 扛龟就真的要 repeat 多一年了。毕竟大家 final year 了都只好安安分分咬紧牙关,怎么都要熬过这个鬼门关顺利毕业啊。

但是我在写这篇文章时,当然我已经考过了呵呵,虽然不知道能不能够 pass,有一点会不及格的小风险,但是还是要出来干话一番现身说法一下,纪念这个比较特别比较不跟规矩的 posting。

其实讲到骨科,大家都会联想到什么手断脚断车祸之类的 case,当然这些都是病房里最常见的病例。基本上每天都会有车祸受伤这里骨折那里骨折的人被送进来医院。所以大多数病患只要好好的都基本上不会有生命的危险。

这就是为什么骨科的医生都特别 chill,因为病人都不会死,会死的反而是我们这些要考试的学生,随时都会被考试钉死,因为老师们都很严格。



骨科主要负责全身上下都有很多名字不同功能不同的肌肉筋骨神经线,正因为如此它并非在我们主要念的内科外科的主轴中心内,反而是一个延申出来的专科。之所以这样,我们念起来特别吃力,除了因为主打的骨头肌肉神经线和主要的内科外科器官有着很大的不同外,还有就是其更偏向于实用和技能性的学习形式。老师们都希望我们 posting 结束后可以像 houseman 一样可以 function,其实说真的野心也有点大哈哈。


回到主题,今天要讲的其实是 ortho 金句之王。不知道为什么在骨科里面就是特别多爱嘴炮的老师,男的女的都一样,不少出自他们口中的金句都贯穿在我们平时的 teaching 里面,被细心的我一字一句记录了下来,当作我自己的警世名言哈哈。


1. So many people fail, but I don’t care. --- (Zaki, 2019)

2. If you never trained properly, don’t say you are an athlete, you are just a warrior. --- (Chan, 2019)

3. When you land, you land with both legs, unless you are Wonder Woman. --- (Ong, 2019)

4. Orthopaedic is all about common sense. --- (Sia, 2019)

5. Cancer is just like Malaysian politic, they create noise to cover up the real big problem. --- (Chan, 2019)

6. We don’t ask about this, we are not policemen. --- (Zaki, 2019)

7. An exam is like a war. --- (Ong, 2019)

8. You are supposed to control us. Control the game. --- (Haniza, 2019)

9.  Life outside there is not as simple as you think. --- (Haniza, 2019)

10. Student nervous, examiner anxious, patient blur. --- (Brian, 2019)

11. Final year, 90% of the time should be studying, only 10% you do your personal things. --- (Jeyasilan, 2019)

12. You must smile. --- (Jeyasilan, 2019)

13. No point to show me that you’re stress. --- (Jeyasilan, 2019)

14. At this stage, you learn knowledge. At MO, you learn skills. At specialist, you learn when to do surgery. As you get older, you learn when NOT to do surgery. --- (Brian, 2019)

15. You must read, if you don’t read, you’ll forget. --- (Jeyasilan, 2019)

16. What your brain can see, your eyes can see. What your eyes can see, if you brain cannot see, you will say nothing is there. --- (Zaki, 2019)

17. 6 features equal to 3 marks, or 6 features equal to 6 marks, depends on how many lines we give you. --- (Zaki, 2019)

18. You have to be kepochi until the patient is irritated. --- (Aida, 2019)

19. It’s not Brian the spine, its Brian the human being. --- (Brian, 2019)

20. Trust me, you cannot trust anyone in this room. --- (Ong, 2019)

21. You can confuse before exam, you cannot confuse during exam. --- (Zaki, 2019)

22. If you are BMW, you drive fast. If you are Honda Accord, you can choose. If you are Proton Saga, you stay basic. If you are Kancil, you can go somewhere else. --- (Zaki, 2019)

其中我认为最嘴炮的非我们的布莱恩莫属,而且每一次崩出金句都应该是铺成了很久的梗,然后找一个机会完美并帅气地撂下金句。比如说那天看完了一个年轻的病患由于脊椎受到细菌感染而半身不遂,布莱恩讲了很多要关爱病人的话,提醒我们不只是要照顾病人的健康,必要的时候还要顾及病人的心理需求,最后要下课临走前说了 It’s not Brian the spine, its Brian the human being,帅气头也不回转身离去,特么帅死。

还有一个就是扎基 Prof Zaki,披着类似花泽类这种没有几个中年人可以驾驭的发型。一个自我要求很高,对我们要求也很高,而且如果我们表现比较好就会开始沾沾自喜的老师,也不知道他自得其乐在爽什么。同样 level 的嘴炮,在 posting 一开始就像我们介绍上一届 senior 的 50% fail rate,然后丢下了 So many people fail, but I don’t care 的个人名句,警示全班你们特么考不好就不用想及格的狠话。


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